Improvised Music from Japan / Discography

Derek Bailey
Amy Denio
Dennis Palmer

The Gospel Record: Reference Edition

(Shaking Ray Records, SRR-CD004) (U.S.) (CD)

  1. Let the Little Sunbeam In (1:56)
  2. Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All (2:38)
  3. I Miss a Friend like You (1:19)
  4. The Ole-time Religion (1:35)
  5. Joshua Led God's Children (2:29)
  6. I'm Gonna See Heaven (2:08)
  7. I'm Bound for the Land of Canaan (1:54)

Words by Albert E. Brumley (1, 7), W. Oliver Cooper and Minzo C. Jones (2), Dorsey C. Yarbrough (3), Vep Ellis (5), and Terry Pillow (6)

Derek Bailey: guitar
Amy Denio: voice
Dennis Palmer: voice, synthesizer, samplers

Released in 2005