Improvised Music from Japan / Discography

Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.

Pataphisical Freak Out MU!!

(P.S.F. Records, PSFD-106) (CD)

  1. Cosmic Audrey (Audrey / Kawasaki) - Acid Takion (Kawabata / Tsuyama / Koizumi) (11:27)
  2. White Summer of Love (Cotton / Tsuyama) - Third Eye of the Whole World (Kawabata) (5:49)
  3. Golden Bat Blues Dedd (Kawabata / Tsuyama / Koizumi) - Mr. Hardy Guidey Man (Tsuyama / Traditional) - Magic Aum LSD (Magic Aum) - Astrological Overdrive (Haco / Kawabata) (16:09)
  4. Right about Rainbow I (Johan / Higashi) - Your My Only Super Sunshine (Kawabata / Tsuyama / Koizumi) - Right about Rainbow II (Johan / Higashi) (8:46)
  5. Blue Velvet Blues (Cotton / Kawabata) (25:42)

Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.
Cotton Casino: vocals, space whisper, synthesizer
Hajime Koizumi: drums, monk
Atsushi Tsuyama: monster bass, acoustic guitar, vocal, cosmic joker
Hiroshi Higashi: synthesizer, semi-acoustic guitar, fishing rod
Fumio Yoshida: hardy guidey
Keizo Suhara: bass, video camera
Yoko: cheese cake, photography
Lovely Ayano: space hi!
Johan Wellens: cosmic voice, freak power
Magic Aum Gigi: voice, erotic underground
Siwaporn: voice
Audrey Ginestet: cosmic voice
Haco: vocals
Makoto Kawabata: electric guitars, speed guru
Father Moo: TV gnome

Recorded at Acid Mothers Temple in September 1998-January 1999
Engineered by Makoto Kawabata
Art direction: Makoto Kawabata and Sachiko
Produced by Makoto Kawabata and Hideo Ikeezumi

Released 1999