Improvised Music from Japan

Liner Notes of the Tetsuya Umeda CD ocket

  1. shapes (6:28)
    Bottles of various shapes and sizes rolled around on a solid concrete foundation (L) live mixed with glass shards bouncing on feedback fed subwoofers (R). If you listen carefully a roller-coaster can be heard passing in the distance. Recorded in April, 2004.

  2. nekiri (3:59)
    A large hollow stainless steel ball was brought close to a rotating howling speaker, sometimes touching it. The recording level of this track was low thus there appears some ambient noise; however the snippet caught here was interesting not for this reason alone. Recorded in November, 2003

  3. rotation (7:06)
    A track divided into 3 parts. A handmade tweeter from aluminum foil used throughout (on all 3 parts) along with the rotating speaker mechanism. Parts 1 and 2 contain the same ingredients and recording "recipes" however different spices were added to create their unique aural flavours. Part 3 contains live sounds from a bicycle being ridden in the vicinity. Recorded in November, 2003.

  4. 8 frogs (4:46)
    This ensemble implements 8 speakers and various filters. A strongly compositional track by means of the human performer relying on a mixer and selfmade switch mechanisms to alter the movement of the sound produced live/recorded. Recorded in November, 2003.

  5. across a bridge (1:25)
    The elevated "BRIDGE" space is situated in a depopulated/rundown amusement park. The entire space vibrates greatly when the roller-coaster occasionally passes by. 2 tubes made from cans containing a spring. One was rolled, and the other one is beaten with a customised rubber mallet. Recorded in October, 2004.

  6. ki (6:30)
    The first version of the tool "Karaphone" was used in this track. Jungle recordings and feedback were passed through a flanging circuit and then mixed. This is the only track where an external sound source was used. (I still don't know where such a ringing sound came from.) Recorded in November, 2003.

  7. electricphant (4:59)
    This is a recording of a photo-shoot, photographer Noet takes pictures of my performance. Primary source is feedback from a wireless mic and FM radio waves. The shutter of Noet's camera is also heard along with him dropping a film case. Recorded in April, 2004.

  8. ar cut (7:35)
    Rotating fan refitted with two tweeters replacing the fan blades. The feedback source was initially tuned to howl then the unit was left to produce the recorded sound on its own. The tone variation and difference in panning are acute. Recorded in April, 2004.

  9. on, off (3:48)
    Two subwoofers coated in acrylic resin and covered with a thin rubber film are placed in a straight line away from the recording device, one placed in the distance one placed close to the mic. Feedback source originates from a simple radio and wireless mic setup, alterations in sound are caused from switching the mic on and off. Recorded in October, 2004.

Written by Tetsuya Umeda
Translation: Nathan Thompson