Tatsuhisa Yamamoto
Muneomi Senju
(Doubtmusic, dmf-131) (Japan) (CD)
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto: drums, metals, percussion, gong, odaiko drums
Muneomi Senju: drums, percussion, electronics
Recorded by Yohei Hamamoto at GOK Sound, Tokyo, September 10, 2009
Tracks 2, 5, and 6 edited by Muneomi Senju
Mixed by Muneomi Senju and Yuta Segawa
Track 4 remixed by Takuma Watanabe
Mastered by Yuta Segawa
Cover art by Tomoo Gokita
Design by Satoshi Suzuki
Produced by Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, Muneomi Senju, and Jun Numata
Released in December 2009