Improvised Music from Japan / Discography

Costarring from Cherry Farm 01

(Cherry Music, cry01) (Japan) (CD-R)

  1. Cocoaskull and Letter Music - absa no.0 (2:19)
  2. Cocoaskull and Letter Music - absa no.1 (1:43)
  3. Rere and Yutha - Harmolofone (4:09)
  4. Rere and Yutha - She's Seen Them Come and Go (5:16)
  5. Arp and Askococo - The New Way to Founded Sleep (7:04)
  6. Arp and Askococo - Slept Memory (2:27)
  7. Sawako and asuna - Four Corner of Woods (5:00)
  8. Sawaka and asuna - Alarm Clock (1:37)

Packaged in a felt bag
Released in June 2004